The goats are done milking for the year - caramel will be back in 2024!


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Raising Dairy Goats

Coccidia Prevention

Coccidia Prevention

Coccidia is a parasite that infects the intestinal tract of animals. While a goat may have some coccidia in its fecal sample, if the count becomes too high and the burden becomes too great, we say the goat has "Coccidiosis". Diarrhea is the primary symptom of coccidiosis and there are many ways to prevent or treat coccidiosis.

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Why Bottle Feed Baby Goats

Why Bottle Feed Baby Goats

All of the Alpine dairy goats at Goat Milk Stuff are bottle raised. This takes a lot more work for our family, but we do it because we believe it is best for the kids, the dams, and the family. Discover the reasons why we go to the extra effort 
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CAE in Goats

CAE in Goats

CAE stands for Caprine Arthritis Encephalitis. It is a virus that affects goats and not humans. Goats pass CAE to each other via infected colostrum, milk, or blood. It is not passed from feces, breeding, or sharing food and water.  If you raise goats, it's important to make sure that your herd is CAE free.

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Aquila Acres

Aquila Acres

We got our first goats in 2005. Since we were planning to breed them and register their kids with the American Dairy Goat Association (ADGA), we needed to come up with a herd name. We hadn't launched Goat Milk Stuff at that point (it wasn't even a glimmer in our eye), so we didn't choose Goat Milk Stuff as our herd name.
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Alpine Goat Colors

Alpine Goat Colors

Alpine goats come in many different color patterns with fancy French names (since the original Alpines are French Alpines). The color pattern is based on what the goat looks like when they are shaved because as their hair grows out, some of the black can fade to brown and some of the white can darken. 
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A Goat's Digestion

A Goat's Digestion

The sun radiates massive amounts of energy to the earth continuously. We humans can only harness a little bit of that, and we do so inefficiently. Goats on the other hand supply nearly all of their energy needs by efficiently converting solar energy stored in grasses and other plant material. How can they do this?

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Which is Better - Dairy Goats or Dairy Cows?

Which is Better - Dairy Goats or Dairy Cows?

People ask me all the time why I chose to raise dairy goats instead of dairy cows. There are two main reasons - the milk itself and the animals themselves. After owning and milking a Jersey cow, it quickly became obvious that our family much preferred goats for many of the following reasons.
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How to Disbud Goats

How to Disbud Goats

Most dairy goats naturally have horns.  At Goat Milk Stuff, we disbud our goats for their safety.  If the goats were out in the wild, they would need their horns for protection.  But when kept on the farm, the chance of their getting their horns caught in the fences is too great and could lead to them being seriously injured.  And so we choose to disbud our goats when they are little. 
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